Serving the Intermountain West Region (801) 856-0164

November 5, 2013 Comments Off

Causes and cures (and why we recommend white or very light marble never be used in a shower) Sitting in my office one morning I received a call from a very upset home

September 13, 2013 Comments Off

Are you a little confused about whether or not to seal your natural stone? You’ve done your homework and researched the topic on the web only to find that there are opposing opinions

March 12, 2013 Comments Off

One of the most common calls we get are for etches on marble or other natural stone. People don't always refer to it as an etch, though. They may call it a water

January 13, 2013 Comments Off

We get many calls from homeowners asking for Marble Cleaning services. While we do offer marble cleaning, we rarely find that what the customer is actually looking for is in fact 'cleaning' of