How Can I Green Clean My Tile Grout With No Chemicals? In our modern era of specialist chemicals, it can be very tempting to just bleach the living daylights out of any stain
How Can I Green Clean My Tile Grout With No Chemicals? In our modern era of specialist chemicals, it can be very tempting to just bleach the living daylights out of any stain
How Can I Clean Remove Chewing Gum From Concrete? Has a cluster of errant teenagers swarmed through and attacked your beautiful concrete driveway with bits of partially-chewed tree sap? Chewing gum has to
How Can I Clean Remove Bird Poop Feces From Concrete? What is it with birds and target practice?? They always seem to know which car has been freshly washed, which person would be
Is Polishing Acid-Stained Concrete Possible? Yes, acid stained concrete can be polished. Acid-staining is a permanent change to your concrete so even the grinding involved in polishing will not remove the color. Hooray!
How Should I Care For My Gorgeous Granite Countertop? Granite is a truly beautiful stone. Dark and mysterious with glittery depths, bright and sparkling with inner warmth – whatever color your granite is,
Will Park City and Heber’s Altitude Affect My Concrete? Simply put, yes, it can. Even when it appears dry and is solid enough to walk on, concrete continues to cure for quite some
Will Acid Stains Permanently Change Concrete’s Color? Stand clear, all commitment-phobes! Yes, acid stain will be permanent, so choose your colors wisely, and think long-term, not just what’s in fashion this season. That royal
Can Granite Be Scratched? Considering knives in ancient times were MADE of stone, that gives us some idea of the incredible strength and durability of granite. Stone is usually stronger than metals –
How Are Marble and Granite Different? Other than their looks? I hear you ask. Yes – marble and granite are about as similar as chalk and cheese. Cheese?! I hear you protest –
3 Big Mistakes Concrete Countertop Owners Make - And How YOU Can Avoid Them Okay, listen up, folks. Concrete police speaking. We see so many avoidable disasters with concrete countertops, we simply HAD